Latitude: 48.285413, Longintude: 17.758731

Services provided:


  • Legal documents
  • Public Procurement
  • EU agenda
  • Medicine and Pharmacy
  • IT and Telco
  • Mechanical and electrical engineering
  • Automotive
  • Chemistry
  • Construction and Architecture
  • Transport and Tourism
  • Marketing and e-commerce

Text services

  • Proofreading
  • Transcription of audio and video recordings
  • Subtitling
  • Localization
  • Copywriting (creative translation)

IT consulting

  • Provision of support in the operation of IT systems
  • Handling of emergency situations
  • Security strategies and measures
  • Utilization of existing IT systems and transformation
  • IT strategy, system design, IT infrastructure
  • Process Modeling
  • Feasibility Study
  • Turnkey HW/SW projects
  • System integration
  • Project management

5 reasons to choose services from VH-SERVICE:

  • We are able to deal with complex tasks
  • Quality and reliability are our priorities
  • We are flexible and communicative
  • We operate internationally
  • Fair prices